Automatizovaný plazmový aktivátor jemné práškové suroviny pomocí koplanárního bariérového výboje

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Title in English Automated plasma activator of fine powders involving coplanar barrier discharge

RÁHEĽ Jozef SAUL Petr VOJTA Lumír HAŠANA Jaromír ZEMÁNEK Miroslav SAUL Tomáš ILČÍKOVÁ Martina

Year of publication 2019
Type Outcomes put into operation (prototype, working sample)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The functional sample describes an automated device designed for reproducible plasma activation of fine powder materials, in amounts suitable for pilot laboratory tests. The device integrates two sub-systems. The first is designed to accurately form a uniform powder layer. The second serves for the plasma activation itself and the removal of the processed powder material.
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