Detection of Algorithmically Generated Domain Names in Botnets

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VISHWAKARMA Deepak Kumar BHATIA Ashutosh ŘÍHA Zdeněk

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2019
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Domain name system; Domain generations algorithms; Botnets; Command and control servers
Description Botnets pose a major threat to the information security of organizations and individuals. The bots (malware infected hosts) receive commands and updates from the Command and Control (C&C) servers, and hence, contacting and communicating with these servers is an essential requirement of bots. However, once a malware is identified in the infected host, it is easy to find its C&C server and block it, if the domain names of the servers are hard-coded in the malware. To counter such detection, many malwares families use probabilistic algorithms known as domain generation algorithms (DGAs) to generate domain names for the C&C servers. This makes it difficult to track down the C&C servers of the Botnet even after the malware is identified. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach for the identification of domain names which are likely to be generated by a malware using DGA. The proposed solution is based on the hypothesis that human generated domain names are usually inspired by the words from a particular language (say English), whereas DGA generated domain names should contain random sub-strings in it. Results show that the percentage of false negatives in the detection of DGA generated domain names using the proposed method is less than 29% across 30 DGA families considered by us in our experimentation.
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