Sociální práce v České republice – východiska a edukační kontexty


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Social Work in the Czech Republic - Origin and role in education

GULOVÁ Lenka STŘELEC Stanislav

Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Social work is often surrounded by misconceptions and even contradictions. Over the course of history, social work has become an integral part of living in modern society. It is our goal to describe this phenomenon in this paper. We discuss the origin, content, and processes involved in social work in our country over the courses of the past century. At the end we present the results of a research project focused on the support of socially disadvantaged Roma groups by means of educational programmes that help to improve their study, work, and life prospects.
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