An approach to reverse flows: motivation in retrospective

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ŠKAPA Radoslav

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of Business Economics Management and Marketing 2018
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords reverse flow; motivation; drivers; logistics
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Description The presented study provides a preliminary insight into shifts of managerial perception; of how managers see the role of reverse flows in Czech companies. The quantitative study suggests that there is a slight shift from cost-efficiency view on reverse flows as indicated by the diminishing role of motives of productivity increase, cost reduction, competitors’ pressure, and value retrieval. At the same time, there is no evidence of the higher concern of indirect marketing effects of reverse flows. Second, cluster analysis revealed that companies in 2017 are rather divided into two equal groups: One group put stress on the marketing aspect of reverse flows, the other on cost efficiency/legislation requirements. In this respect, The CSR remains the only problematic motive to interpret, as the cluster analysis suggests that the CRS is not seen as a part of marketing related.
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