Ateismus jako konfúzní pojem


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Title in English Atheism as a confusing term


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation WERNER, Jan. Ateismus jako konfúzní pojem (Atheism as a confusing term). In Doktorandská konference Philosophia, 14.–15. února 2019, Katedra filozofie FF UP, Olomouc. 2019.
Description Presentation deals with the concept of "atheism" as a very confusing and ambiguous term. One of the goals of the presentation was to point out that the term "atheism" has many various interpretations, which differs greatly from each other. So the presentation deals with typology of atheism and compares different kinds and "shades" of atheism. It focuses primarily on the difference between concepts of negative and positive atheism, which were defined by british philosopher Antony Flew in his article The Presumption of Atheism.
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