Analýza spokojenosti zákazníka v kontextu zpětných toků a výkonnosti podniku

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Title in English Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in the Context of Backflows and Performance


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trendy v podnikání - Business Trends
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords customer satisfaction; internal processes; business performance; product quality; reverse flow of information; feedback from supply chain members
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Description The paper presents the results of empirical research focused on customer satisfaction, processes and practices leading to customer satisfaction and approaches that companies use to minimize reverse flows, especially in the form of product returns. The aim of this paper is to find out the differences in the use of the practices and processes focused on backflows under examination in financially performing and financially non-performing companies. Findings show that especially the level of customer satisfaction, intensive cooperation with customers with the aim to gain knowledge about their needs and wants and intensive information sharing with the distributors about customer satisfaction as well as the intensive effort for high quality and continuous improvement not only of products but also of the relevant production, distribution and other processes represent the main differentiator between the two groups of companies. Empirical research was carried out within the framework of a project funded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic GA16-16260S "Management's approach to reducing reverse flows in relation to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement".
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