Marketingová strategie EuroVelo tras na území Jihomoravského kraje

Title in English The marketing strategy for the EuroVelo cycling routes in the South Moravian Region

ŠAUER Martin REPÍK Ondřej

Year of publication 2018
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The comprehensive research report was prepared as an outcome of contracted research, which was carried out between the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, and destination management organisation the Tourist Authority South Moravia. The object and purpose of the research was to elaborate the detailed Marketing strategy of Eurovelo cycling routes in territory of the South Moravian Region (EV 4, EV 9 and EV 13)and to draft an action plan for their development in the coming years, in close co-operation with experts. During the processing of this summary research report relevant research data were summarized and selected. The research methodology was formulated and also data analysis and output evaluation were conducted. Consequently priorities and activities of the Tourist Authority South Moravia for the EuroVelo marketing strategy have been proposed. The comprehensive research report was done using qualitative methods (expert panel method, method of scenarios, method of analogies, heuristic methods), quantitative methods (time series models, system models) and other statistical and forecasting methods.

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