Mezipředmětové vztahy v rozvíjení interkulturní komunikační kompetence v psaní v anglickém jazyce


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Title in English Cross-curricular Links in Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in Writing in English


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Intercultural communicative competence represents a transdisciplinary concept which intersects with the fields of foreign language didactics, linguistics, sociology, psychology, geography, cultural studies etc. As such, developing intercultural communicative competence in class challenges teachers as for their pedagogical content knowledge. The aim of the poster is to align components of intercultural communicative competence identified in projected, implemented and attained curricula of the ninth grade of lower-secondary school in order to investigate which cross-curricular links are apparent from pupils’ writing in English. The curricula were analysed while using a self-designed system of representative categories of intercultural communicative competence. The research outcomes prove that Geography and Civics as well as stylistics in Czech may intervene in developing intercultural communicative competence. It is thus worth examining how to integrate these subjects effectively.
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