Učení českých žáků a jejich školní úspěšnost v éře digitálních technologií (sekundární analýza výzkumu PISA 2015)

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Learning of Czech pupils and their school performance in the era of digital technologies (secondary analysis of PISA 2015)


Year of publication 2018
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper is one of the outputs of research project called “Digital Technologies in students’ everyday lives and learning” (supported by the Czech Science Foundation; grant no. 17-06152S). The goal of this paper is to use the data from PISA 2015 survey undertaken in the Czech Republic to map the role of ICT in Czech schools. We are primarily interested in finding out how ICT availability and ICT use are reflected in students’ educational performance and what other aspects relating to ICT use by students may influence their educational results. Our research bases data analysis on multilevel modelling. The first analyses suggest that as far as learning outcomes of Czech students are concerned, ICT availability does not seem to play a major role at present any more. The use of ICT as such, on the other hand, proves essential. This involves the use of ICT in schools as well as ICT use at home. Also, students’ gender proves to be an important factor.
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