The Velká Bíteš pegmatite field: new rare-element pegmatite occurrences at the eastern margin of the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic


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Year of publication 2018
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Mineralogy of 8 localities (Osová Bítýška, Vlkov, Křižínkov I-V, and Křoví) from the newly-discovered Velká Bíteš rare-element pegmatite field (Czech Republic) was studied in order to determine their degree of fractionation and type of their rare-element mineralization. The observed degree of tourmaline fractionation correlates well with the observed amount and type of rare-metal mineralization, especially Sn, and to a lesser degree also Nb and Ta. Despite their subeconomic character, the Velká Bíteš pegmatite field is a good example of unexpected occurrence of rare-element mineralization (Li, Rb, Cs, Sn, Ta, and W) generated from apparently small volumes of S-type granitic melts.
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