Cennostnaja napravlennost’ pozdnich literaturno-kritičeskich rabot P.V. Annenkova i ich vremennoj kontekst


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Transformation of Values in P. V. Annenkov’s Late Works of Literary Criticism in the Context of the Period

ŠAUR Josef

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slavia : časopis pro slovanskou filologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Russia; 19th century; literature; literary criticism; liberalism; P. V. Annenkov
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Description P. V. Annenkov (1813-1887), a memoirist, editor of the first extensive and scholarly edition of Pushkin’s works, and literary critic, is certainly not a completely forgotten personage of Russian literary life. However, the amount of professional interest in his works does not correspond to the level of significance he enjoyed on the Russian intellectual scene during his lifetime. The most extensive study about Annenkov so far has been written by B. F. Jegorov and D. Offord. However, they research Annenkov’s literary criticisms only up to the beginning of the 1860s. At that time, Annenkov gave up principles of aesthetic literary criticism, began to adhere to conservative values, and significantly reduced published work. This paper focuses on Annenkov’s literary critical articles of the 1860s, which have gone almost unnoticed so far. In these articles, Annenkov focuses on historical themes in literary works of his time. Using these articles, this paper demonstrates the changes in Russian liberal thinking, which can also be observed in the works of other liberally inclined personages of that time (B. N. Chicherin, K. D. Kavelin, V. P. Botkin etc). As a result of changes in Russian society and of foreign policy events, the liberals of that time were more and more influenced by Russian nationalism and they started to adhere to conservative thinking.
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