Sociální inovace jako základní prvek rozvoje sociálního podniku

Title in English Social innovation as a basic element of social enterprise development


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXI. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Social innovation social entrepreneurship competitiveness
Description Social innovation is essential for the economic and social development of society. Social innovation is a relatively old phenomenon, but to the forefront of attention and discussion have only begun to get in last years. In the Czech Republic, the implementation of social innovation is supported by projects from the European Social Fund, as well as the development of social enterprises. Social enterprises are nowadays regarded as one of the typical representatives of social innovation. The aim of the paper is to verify the thesis that social enterprises are innovative and at the same time to answer the question of the extent to which selected social enterprises regularly use social innovations. The survey was carried out on a sample of social enterprises in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The questionnaire survey showed that social enterprises are forced to innovate in order to maintain their competitiveness on the market while retaining the interest of their customers.
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