Datová sada záznamů stanic České národní seismologické sítě za rok 2016
Title in English | Collection of data records from the Czech Regional Seismic Network for the year 2016 |
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Year of publication | 2017 |
Type | Research and development projects |
MU Faculty or unit | |
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Description | The Czech Regional Seismic Network (CRSN) consists of 20 permanent broadband seismological stations operated by 6 institutions: Průhonice (PRU), Kašperské Hory (KHC), Nový Kostel (NKC), Dobruška/Polom (DPC), Úpice (UPC), Panská Ves (PVCC), Praha (PRA), Pecný (GOPC), Příbram (PBCC), Český Krumlov (CKRC), Třešť (TREC), Králíky (KRLC), Ostrava-Krásné Pole (OKC), Vranov (VRAC), Moravský Beroun (MORC). All data records are deposited at EIDA http://eida.gfz-potsdam.de/webdc3 (Explore stations/Network code CZ) and most records are available at http://www.czechgeo.cz/article/default/datovy-portal-seismickych-dat. Metadata is available at http://www.fdsn.org/networks/detail/CZ/. The overall data volume is approx. 460 GB per year. |
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