Filosoful T. G. Masaryk


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Title in English Philosopher T. G. Masaryk


Year of publication 2018
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Masaryk was not a systematic theoretical philosopher. Rather, he was a Socratic-type thinker, whose questions are often more significant than the answers. Masaryk himself said he had never worked out a systematic conception of philosophy, theory of knowledge or metaphysics. In spite of that Masaryk scholars attempt to discover an inner logic in his philosophy and they find it in two interconnected themes. One of them is Masaryks philosophy of history, society and politics, in which he attempted to describe the nature of sociocultural changes. The other is his philosophy of man, morality and religion, in which he focused primarily on the crisis of the modern man. Masaryk characterized his philosophical stance as a moderate form of rationalism, concretism or less precisely as realism.
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