Interference Dicynone v Trinderově reakci – porovnání produktů dodavatelů IVD


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Title in English Dicynone interference in Trinder reaction - comparison of IVD developer products


Year of publication 2017
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation WIEWIORKA, Ondřej, Zdeňka ČERMÁKOVÁ and Milan DASTYCH. Interference Dicynone v Trinderově reakci – porovnání produktů dodavatelů IVD (Dicynone interference in Trinder reaction - comparison of IVD developer products). In XIII. Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie. 2017. ISSN 1210-7921.
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Description This section of our Dicynone interference in Trinder reaction research was focused on performance of different in vitro diagnostic providers and their reagent sets from located in Czech Republic. Trinder reaction is a widely used chromogenic reaction and Dicynone is a abundantly used hemostatic medication. The results show that the interference is universal in all reagent kits utilizing Trinder reaction and also that the interference effect could be reduced as is shown in Erba Lachema company results.
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