Interaction of expanding supernova envelope with asymmetric circumstellar environment


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Year of publication 2017
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Massive stars lose their mass either via isotropic stellar winds or by aspherical lobes or equatorial disks. We study dynamic and thermal effects of collision between expanding ejecta of supernovae (SNe) and asymmetric circumstellar medium (CSM) that may be formed during sgB[e] or LBV star phase, around Pop III stars, due to a binary companion, or by accretion. We examine the behavior of the interaction zone under various geometrical configurations and various initial densities of CSM. We calculate the evolution of SN - CSM systems and the rate of aspherical deceleration of the SN ejecta as well as the rate of conversion of the SN kinetic energy into thermal energy. We expect that subsequent study of SN light curves powered by the thermal energy excess of such interaction will lead to more accurate estimates of stellar mass-loss rate and to a better understanding of CSM density distribution.
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