Apocalypses : entre Marie-Claire Blais, Éric Dupont et Nicolas Dickner


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Apocalypses : between Marie-Claire Blais, Eric Dupont and Nicolas Dickner


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source TransCanadiana. Polish Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue Polonaise d'Études Canadiennes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.ptbk.org.pl/userfiles/file/TransCanadiana/Transcanadiana_9_2017.pdf
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Quebec literature; Apocalypse; Marie-Claire Blais; Nicolas Dickner; Éric Dupont
Attached files
Description Unlike many European countries Quebec seems to lack a great national narrative of the fight against an external enemy. Can we find a reason for it? Or can we identify traumatizing events related to the war included in the collective imagination as a part of Quebec cultural memory? Elements of such a narrative influenced by the Catholic tradition and the community habitus of the Quebec society seem to be reflected in apocalyptic themes. In itself, Apocalypse does not denote only war, but involves a broader vision of Evil. In that way, a national commitment becomes a universal one. The analysis of Marie-Claire Blais (novel cycle Soifs), Nicolas Dickner (Tarmac) and Éric Dupont (La finacée américaine) underlines the ethos as the concept which provides meaning of the story and History. In fact, this is the very point where collective imagination, apocalyptic themes and enargeia meet in order to both structure and justify writing.
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