K voprosu o sozdanii motivacionnoj učebnoj sredy v processe izučenia russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo v češskoj auditorii


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English On Creating a Motivational Learning Environment in the Course of Learning Russian as a Foreign Language in the Czech Audience


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filologia a kultura
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords subject experience; motivation; personal associations; methods of creating a motivational environment; personal and national factors
Description The article is devoted to the creation of a student-centered learning environment when teaching Russian as a foreign language to Czech students. Of great importance in this case is the organization of a motivational stage in non-native language learning. This stage is based on the mechanisms, which enable us to include students’ subjective experience into their learning activities. We suggest using different methods for motivating activities in teaching grammar, vocabulary, style, syntax, speaking and other skills. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by new approaches in teaching Russian as a foreign language, primarily a subject-oriented approach. This allows us to build new “routes” in learning Russian as a foreign language using students’ personal experiences. We suggest doing exercises centered around the student's personality, their value fields and subjective representations. It makes possible to develop not only the skills of speaking and reading in a non-native language, but also to solve an educational task: to include the subject of instructions into the field of moral representations. The authors of the article suggest a number of techniques of a motivating nature that can be used at different stages of learning Russian as a foreign language: motivating questions; oral stories on the topic of the lesson, based on students’ own experience; blitz-survey on the topic of the lesson; associograms.

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