A poesia de Ângelo de Lima nas estruturas da lírica moderna


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Title in English Ângelo de Lima and the Structures of Modern Poetry


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Romanica Olomucensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation TÓTHOVÁ, Lenka. A poesia de Ângelo de Lima nas estruturas da lírica moderna (Ângelo de Lima and the Structures of Modern Poetry). Romanica Olomucensia. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2017, vol. 29, No 1, p. 107-120. ISSN 1803-4136.
web http://romanica.upol.cz/vol-29-12017/
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords modernism; Hugo Friedrich; magic of the word; dissonance; empty ideality
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Description This paper approaches Angelo de Lima’s (1872-1921) poetry through the prism of Hugo Friedrich’s studies of modern poetry. Friedrich views modern poetry as a discursive manifestation that folds back on itself, which is characterized by its fragmented, opaque, and polysemous content, and shows major lexical and syntactic transformations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to search for parallels that connect the Portuguese poet and painter with the new kind of lyric poetry as proposed by Friedrich, focusing particularly on the categories of the magic of the word, dissonance, and empty ideality. The paper concludes that Lima’s poems incorporate some of the “negative” features that, in Friedrich’s view, structure the modern poetic creation, such as self-reference, growing disengagement from the reader and the natural world, the use of the incantatory magic of the word, vague language, a tendency to suggest, and fluctuations in the meaning of the symbols employed. Hence, he might be considered a representative of the “de-romanticized Romanticism” as established by Friedrich.
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