Břeclav - Pohansko VII. Kostelní pohřebiště na Severovýchodním předhradí

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Břeclav - Pohansko VII. The Church Cemetery in the North-eastern Suburb


Year of publication 2016
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The forthcoming book about the second church's cemetery in the North-eastern suburb of the Břeclav-Pohansko stronghold represents the completion of a five-year-long research effort of a research team led by Prof. Jiří Macháček from the Masaryk University. The publication contains comprehensive information about the population buried in this area at the end of the 9th and in the first half of the 10th century. The book consists of two parts: a complete catalogue of the burial site and an analytic and synthetic part, where the funerary area has been evaluated in terms of archaeology, history and anthropology. The analytic and synthetic part of the book is divided into 11 main chapters: North-eastern suburb in the context of systematic archaeological research at Pohansko – Characteristic of the site in terms of natural environment – Methodology of archaeological research – Cemetery extent and Burial rite – Taphonomic and demographic characteristics of skeletal remains – Artefacts as a part of funerary equipment – Cemetery chronology – Spatial structure of the cemetery and Social structure of the community buried – Relationship between the funerary and residential components in this area. This book is integrally complemented by a comprehensive publication on skeletal remains from the burial site, which was set up by a team led by Ass. Prof. V. Sládek from the Charles University.
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