Rozvoj venkovských regionů z pohledu místních akčních skupin

Title in English Development of rural regions in terms of local action groups


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Region v rozvoji společnosti 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords country; local action group; community led local development (CLLD); strategy of community led local development (SCLLD); integrated approach
Description This paper aims to identify the main needs of rural areas, focusing on the South Moravian Region, on the background of the local action groups (LAGs) activities and with regard to the setting of integrated approach which is designed for rural areas - community led local development (CLLD). To achieve this goal the content analysis of actual strategies of community led local development (SCLLD) is conducted. The paper takes the needs of the regions into account in terms of available information, data and opinions of local actors. Discovered needs are compared with financing opportunities in field of integrated approach named community led local development (CLLD). Using financial plans’ analysis the quantification of the needs in the South Moravian rural areas, which might be financed by community led local development, is executed. The paper also contains a brief introduction to the LEADER, predecessor of community led local development (CLLD), which is essential prerequisite for the correct interpretation of the discovered results. The result is the identification and analysis of the needs in rural regions on the background of the activities of local action groups and with regard to community led local development (CLLD). These results can contribute to the further setting of regional policy in rural areas.
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