Selected Issues of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments from the Prespective of EU Member


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Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 24th conference Corporate Entities at the Market and European Dimensions, 19th, 20th and 21st May 2016, Faculty of Law University of Mariboru and Institute Of Business Law Maribor, Portorož, Slovenija, 2016
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Konference open access
Field Law sciences
Keywords recognition; enforcement; judgments; private international law; procedural law; Convention; Brussels I Regulation; decision; court; territoriality; reciprocity; exequatur; lex fori
Attached files
Description RIV: ČLÁNEK VE SBORNÍKU JE NA CESTĚ K ZAŘAZENÍ DO WEB OF SCIENCE, BLIŽŠÍ INFO ZATÍM NEMÁM. The issue of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments is one of three key areas dealt with by private international law. Nevertheless, this issue falls not only within the scope of this legal discipline. For the actual enforcement of a foreign judgment, national procedural laws play an essential role. The interconnection between private international law and national procedural law makes this area of law very interesting issue for further legal research. In this article, we will outline the fundamental principles and concepts behind recognition and enforcement, historical development of national approaches to this issue, and the mechanism through which States take into account foreign judgments. Consequently, we will present, from the point of view of the EU Member States, sources of law for recognition and enforcement, including examples of relevant legal instruments; and resolution of possible conflicts between legal sources and their application.
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