Cesta k (experimentálnímu) výzkumu efektů osobnostní stránky politiky pod jednou konceptuální střechou - metodologická poznámka k výzkumu personalizace

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English The (experimental) research on personal traits in politics under one conceptual frame. A few methodological remarks on the study of personalization.


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Evropská volební studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web http://volebnistudia.cz/wp-content/uploads/EVS_2016_1-3.pdf
Field Political sciences
Keywords Personalization; experimental research; political parties; candidates; elections
Description The article discusses the concept of personalization of politics. The author calls for a redefinition of the original concept that is in some respect outdated. The major issue that needs to be addressed is the emphasis on measuring changes and development in time, which by definition means that all research on personalization needs to be conducted by comparing data from (at least) two moments (e.g. elections in T and T+1). This approach is correct, but overwhelmingly demanding in terms of data and researcher capacities. Moreover, it creates predictable and obvious results – the larger the time difference between measurements, the bigger the change observed. In addition, there is a conceptual confusion due to an extending amount of (experimental) research on different aspects and effects of candidate’s personality traits on voters' behavior and on comparing “personalization” among political actors in one particular election (personalization is seen as a strategic campaign tool). Although, these researches deal with the personal characteristics of candidates and its influence on voting behavior, they cannot be seen as part of the research on personalization. The author shows benefits for researchers if the time-condition in the original definition is left out. Widening of the original concept makes possible keeping all research on individual actors in politics under one conceptual frame.
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