Payment card frauds with a hidden camera, touch sensors and a counterfeit payment card and protection techniques against these types of frauds



Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference European Financial Systems 2016, Proceedings of the 13th Internatonal Scientific Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords e-banking; payment card; security; risk; fraud
Description Frauds with a hidden camera, touch sensors and a counterfeit payment card belong to the basic types of frauds in the e-banking and e-shopping field. The principle of frauds with a hidden camera and touch sensors is the same - by installing of a special equipment to obtain the PIN code. The knowledge of user’s PIN code is not sufficient to abuse the payment card. Therefore these frauds are often combined with a Lebanese loop, a theft of a payment card or with skimming and producing of a counterfeit payment card. Recommendations to reduce security risks are variable. The aim of this paper is to describe payment card frauds with a hidden camera, touch sensors and a counterfeit payment card, identify the usual ways for realizing these types of frauds and its warning signs, create a scheme of the usual ways for these types of payment card frauds, introduce and interpret results of own quantitative research focused on knowledge of these frauds and define the basic recommendations for payment card users, banks and other subjects to reduce security risks connected with using of payment cards.

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