Přinese (kreativní) město 21. století nebe plné dronů?


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Does a (creative) city of the 21st century mean a sky full of drones?


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kreativní město: Kapitoly o proměnách středoevropských měst v průběhu staletí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords drones; city; infrastructure; internet of things
Attached files
Description In this chapter, I discuss actual attempts to create an aerial system based on drones that is meant as a substitution for some functions of current infrastructure, which will lead to a decrease in the congestion of the infrastructure and to an increase in the quality of life among people living in cities using drones. I analyze advantages as well as disadvantages of this solution. Then I argue that attempts to create a drone-based aerial system throughout cities are premature and far more inefficient than normally presented. According to that, I propose an alternative solution which is based on the so-called internet of things. This would help to preserve current infrastructure and, at the same time, to reach higher effectivity and consequently a better life of people in such cities, all of it without the need to create a system of flying machines above our heads.
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