Experimentální filosofie vs. analytická filosofie: Nesmiřitelní rivalové nebo možní spojenci?


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Experimental philosophy v. analytic philosophy: Implacable rivals or possible allies?


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Fifteen years ago, a new philosophical movement emerged, that drives many people mad till today. I am talking about experimental philosophy. Who is familiar with it, probably came across her unmistakable symbol - the burning chair – which represents analytic philosopher’s chair who do so called “armchair philosophy”, which means that they develops their theories using only their own intuitions. So, from the symbol alone, but also, for example, from the Experimental Philosophy Manifesto, is to feel some kind of crystallization of the relation to analytic philosophy. Therefore, it is not perhaps surprising that the opponents are extensively represented by analytic philosophers. At first glance, it may seem that these two camps are absolutely irreconcilable and just criticize each other. Isn’t it possible that some criticism of experimental philosophers by analytic philosophers is caused by insufficient knowledge? Can we even talk about experimental philosophy as it is a monolithic movement? How many experimental philosophies there are? Is it necessary to believe that burning armchairs are a threat to analytic philosophers? Is experimental philosophy really such huge enemy to analytic philosophy, who has nothing to offer? The aim of my paper is to show that experimental philosophy is very diverse project, and that criticism of experimental philosophy (in most cases) actually applies to a small but very loud group. I will introduce several potential branches of experimental philosophy, identify different groups, which differ both objectives and methodologies. By that I will answer the question “How many experimental philosophies are there?” Then, I will point out that there actually exists a group of experimental philosophers who can be allies with analytic philosophers. By that I will answer the question “Is experimental philosophy really such huge enemy to analytic philosophy, who has nothing to offer?”
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