Velikost veřejného sektoru a ekonomický růst

Title in English The Scope of Government and Economic Growth


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politická ekonomie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords size of government; economic growth; public expenditures; tax revenues; public sector
Description The aim of this paper is to fi nd a long-term relationship between the economic growth and the size of government. Four diff erent characteristics are used to measure the government size. Total public expenditures, total tax revenues, fi nal government consumption and share of compensation of public workers to overall spending. There are also added control variables and time dummy variable to prevent biased results. The analysis was performed on data from 30 OECD countries from years 1995–2014. Fixed-eff ects panel regression was used to determine relationship between these individual indicators of government size and the economic growth. Main fi ndings of this paper are that change in all indicators is negatively correlated with the growth. Especially in case of fi nal government consumption which indicated the strongest negative relationship.
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