Enseignement du français a la Faculté d´Economie et d´Administration de l´Université Masaryk de Brno


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Teaching of Business French at the Faculty of Economics and Administration in Brno


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source CASALC Review
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

web http://casajc.ff.cuni.cz/Documents/CASAJC_online/1502/1502.pdf
Field Linguistics
Keywords teaching; foreign languages; business french; language skills; Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University
Attached files
Description The article presents the French language education at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the Masaryk University in Brno by Language centre, focusing on general principles and different methods of language skills development. It introduces a broader context of the business French teaching including the content, methodology and objectives of courses.

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