Personalizace volebních systémů v České republice. Možnosti a limity metody J. Careyho a M. Shugarta


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Title in English Personalisation of electoral systems in the Czech Republic. Possibilities and limits of the method of J. Carey and M. Shugart


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politické vedy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Electoral reform; unrealized electoral reform; personalization of electoral systems
Description More than 20-years electoral system reform’s discussions were focused on solving problems that create the national governments in the Czech Republic. But currently it appears that electoral reform deals primarily with dissatisfaction of citizens with the state of democracy (as a part of democratic culture). Citizens and politicians believe that strengthening elements of personalization in electoral mechanism settings will lead to a greater focus on individual candidates and therefore politics, they represent establish a stronger relationship between the candidates (MPs) and voters and increasing personal accountability of those who are selected, a positive contribution to (re)building of the Czech democracy. The question of this study is how to evaluate electoral systems and the ratio of its personalization? Are discussed electoral reform proposals more personalized than the current voting system in the Czech Republic? In that context the paper highlights the deficiency of most cited and most widely used classification of electoral systems personalization based on the article The Incentives to Cultivate Personal Vote by Carey and Shugart (1995). The results show that the classification suffers from still unclear possibilities of coding the variables and impracticability of coding special features of existing systems. Nevertheless we can state that all the analyzed proposals are more personalized than the current electoral system accept of the Greek variant.
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