Hra jako fenomén během svatebních rituálů Slovanů (srovnání folklorních pramenů)


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Title in English The game as a phenomenon during the Slavic wedding rituals (comparision of folklore materials)


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ostrava, Slavica Iuvenum XVI
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Linguistics
Keywords divination; dowry; folklore for children; cognitive linguistics; linguoculturology; custom; realia; ring; tradition; veil; wreath
Description Wedding, the turning point in human life, examined by prism of game as a phenomenon, which is accompanying this transition ritual. Comparing the folklore materials of Russians, Ukrainians and Czechs, related to topics such are courting, dowry, fortune-telling, wedding day, etc., we can find accents of game theme and activities of wedding customs, extending into 21st century. This continuity can be also found in birth and burial rituals.

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