The representation of expatriates in the corporate governance of subsidiaries of multinational companies: A study from the czech republic

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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Management
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web www stránky článku v časopisu
Field Management and administrative
Keywords expatriates corporate governance multinational companies
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Description The issue of the representation of expatriates in the corporate governance of subsidiaries of multinational companies is currently a much debated and yet relatively under-researched topic within the academic community. In connection with the transformation of the economy which has taken place and the activity of multinational companies in CEE countries, there have been discussions about the effect of expatriates on the output and efficiency of the corporate governance of subsidiaries. The main aim of the research carried out was to describe and analyze the representation of expatriates in the exercise of corporate governance in subsidiaries of multinational companies operating in the Czech Republic (CR). The objective of the research was to survey the representation of expatriates in MNC subsidiaries with respect to various characteristics of the subsidiary such as the country where its head office is located (country of headquarters), the size of the subsidiary and the legal form. Using statistical analysis of dependencies, a different representation of expatriates in relation to the legal form of the MNC subsidiary was demonstrated. The size of the subsidiary, measured by the number of employees, also plays a role here. The presence of an expatriate was not demonstrated to have an effect on the financial performance of an MNC subsidiary
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