Polysemy and Synonymy in Syntactic Dependency Networks

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Digital Scholarship Humanities
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

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Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqv028
Field Informatics
Keywords polysemy;synonymy;semantic networks;wordnet
Description The relationship between two important semantic properties (polysemy and synonymy) of language and one of the most fundamental syntactic network properties (a degree of the node) is observed. Based on the synergetic theory of language, it is hypothesized that a word which occurs in more syntactic contexts, i.e. it has a higher degree, should be more polysemous and have more synonyms than a word which occurs in less syntactic contexts, i.e. it has a lesser degree. Six languages are used for hypotheses testing and, tentatively, the hypotheses are corroborated. The analysis of syntactic dependency networks presented in this study brings a new interpretation of the well-known relationship between frequency and polysemy (or synonymy).
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