Living in the Digital Age: Self-Presentation, Networking, Playing, and Participating in Politics

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on

LORENTZ Pascaline ŠMAHEL David METYKOVÁ Monika WRIGHT Michelle

Year of publication 2015
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This book reflects the current issues in today‘s life in society which are influenced by digital media. In four parts, the book focuses on the field of online self-presentation and creating an impression; online networking among young people; digital betting and gaming; and political participation in the digital era. These topics are described using the latest research from the fields of psychology, sociology, media studies, and political science. The book explains and corrects many preconceived myths regarding the use of the Internet and digital media, such as online pornography, encounters with strangers from the Internet, and playing online games. The authors of this book are members – or connected researchers – to the Interdisciplinary Research Team on the Internet and Society (, which covers a  number of research projects focused on the Internet and cyberspace. This book is intended primarily for researchers, teachers, and students who are interested in the themes of life in the digital age. There may also be benefit for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and those who work with people who are somehow threatened via the Internet, such as by online addiction, betting, and so on.
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