Companies Approach to Reverse Flows Management: The Case of the Czech Republic

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Title in English Companies’ Approach to Reverse Flows Management: The Case of the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2015
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description In this chapter the answers to the fundamental questions of the management of reverse flows using the example of the Czech Republic are presented, namely on the basis of collected data and information from the long-term empirical research carried out between managers of 150 Czech companies. The first question is why reverse flows are generated, and why do companies pay or not pay attention to them. Furthermore, who carries out the processes associated with these flows and how they are realized, whereas part of this question is, how the performance of these processes and their economic consequences for businesses are monitored. Three accompanying mini-case studies contribute to a better understanding of the present knowledge targeted at reverse logistics management practices.
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