Metodické materiály k popularizačnímu vystoupení "Poznávání dřevin v zimním stavu" pořádanému v rámci kurzu "Dendrologické vycházky"

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Title in English Methodological materials for popularizing performance "Identyfing of woods in winter condition" which took place within the course "Dendrological excursions"


Year of publication 2015
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Materials for participants of third dendrological excursion organized within the course "Dendrological excursions". There are especially emphasized features by which is possible to identify selected taxa in the winter. These characteristics relate in particular habitus, bark, twigs, shape and position of buds on a twig. The other characters are mentioned only visible even in the winter period (eg. Cones in conifers).
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