On the reactions of chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridiniumbetaine with polyfunctional nucleophiles. Part IV: Reactions with thiosemicarbazide monoaryl derivatives


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Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Polyhedron
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277538714005440
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2014.08.022
Field Inorganic chemistry
Keywords Five-membered heterocycle; Thiosemicarbazide; Chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridiniumbetaine; X-ray analysis; NMR
Description In connection with our previous research, reactions of chlorodithiophosphoric acid pyridiniumbetaine, py.PS2Cl (I), with monoaryl thiosemicarbazide derivatives RN(H)C(S)N(H)NH2, (R = phenyl, 4-nitrophenyl) were studied with the aim to prepare new heterocyclic compounds. All reactions were carried out in acetonitrile in the presence of pyridine as an HCl acceptor. New compounds, pyridinium salts of 4-phenyl-3-sulfido-3,5-dithioxo-1,2,4,3k5-triazaphospholidine (II) and 4-(4-nitrophenyl)-3-sulfido-3, 5-dithioxo-1,2,4,3k5-triazaphospholidine (III) were prepared. 31P NMR, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis revealed their molecular structures consisting of pyridinium cation and fivemembered P–N–N–C–N heterocyclic anion bearing relevant aryl group.
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