Personality Perception in Instant Messenger Communication in the Czech Republic and People’s Republic of China

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LINKOV Václav ŠMERK Pavel LI Bingbing ŠMAHEL David

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia psychologica : an international journal of research and theory in psychological sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords personality perception accuracy; cues for personality perception; Big Five; social perception; computer mediated communication
Description Personality perception accuracy after instant messenger communication and relation of content of messages to self- and stranger-perceived personality were examined in two cultures. Czech and Chinese subjects were paired into couples with a stranger and spoke with him or her through Windows Live Messenger (in the Czech Republic) or QQ (in China). After 30-40 minutes conversation they filled out Big Five questionnaires about their partner’s personality and about themselves. In the Czech study, there was a correlation 0.39 between self-perceived and partner perceived extraversion. In the Chinese study, correlations between self-perception and partner-perception of a subject’s personality were 0.49 for neuroticism, 0.38 for extraversion, 0.35 for openness to experience, and 0.28 for agreeableness. Possible reasons for Chinese higher personality perception accuracy can be higher proneness to “dialectical thinking” or higher experience with using online communication for social sharing and perceiving.
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