Průmyslové dědictví. Minulost a současný stav postindustriální krajiny Kamenicka


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Title in English Past and present state of post-industrial landscape Kamenicko


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Životné prostredie : revue pre teóriu a tvorbu životného prostredia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords industrial heritage, post-industrial landscape, cores, periphery
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Description The multifunctional post-industrial landscape (PIL) Kamenicko is a legacy of the industrial revolution. There were gradually established companies of the glass, textile, wood, engineering and electrical industries on its territory. In the original forest landscape grew municipalities, today almost amalgamated. The detailed land use survey was carried out here and distinguished period of origin of individual objects and areas. Using the square grid 500x500 m, the classification of the post-industrial areas was completed and internal structure of PIK was analyzed. The cores of the PIL Kamenicko are predominantly formed by residential and public buildings constructed during the period of the industrial society, while outdated industrial and transportation areas and brownfields are of less importance.
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