Identification of a buried Late Cenozoic maar-diatreme structure (North Moravia, Czech Republic)


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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologica Carpathica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords applied geophysics;ground magnetometry;gravimetry;electrical resistivity tomography;maar-diatreme;Plio-Pleistocene;Central European Volcanic Province;Bohemian Massif
Description The maar-diatreme volcanic structure in the vicinity of the village of Lomnice near the town of Bruntál (North Moravia, Czech Republic) has been investigated using a set of geophysical methods including ground magne- tometry, gravimetry and electrical resistivity tomography. The structure was detected by an aerial magnetic survey in the second half of the 20th century. Since its discovery only limited information about this buried structure has been available. The coherence of the magnetic anomaly of 190 nT and Bouguer anomaly of —4.7 mGal indicates a volcanic origin of the structure. The funnel-shaped maar-diatreme structure is filled with lacustrine clay and colluvium of Car- boniferous greywacke, which forms the country rock. The surface diameter of the structure is about 600 m, the depth is more than 400 m. The spatial association with other volcanic centers in the surroundings of the town of Bruntál infers the relative dating of the Lomnice maar. The phreatic eruption and maar-diatreme formation could be an indirect conse- quence of effusive activity of the nearby Velký Roudný volcano. The Lomnice structure is the first Plio-Pleistocene maar-diatreme ever described in North Moravia and Silesia.
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