Recepce Dialektiky konkrétního v Československu mezi léty 1963-1969


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Title in English The Reception of Dialectcs of the Concrete in Czechoslovakia between 1963 and 1969


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Karel Kosík; Dialectics of the Concrete; receptions; Czechoslovakia; Filosofický časopis; Kulturní tvorba; Literární noviny; Plamen; the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
Description The aim of this contribution is to acquaint readers with responses to Karel Kosík's most influential work, the Dialectics of the Concrete, that were published in former Czechoslovakia by philosophers and other thinkers between years 1963 and 1969 with emphasis on journals Filosofický časopis, Kulturní tvorba, Literární noviny and Plamen. This paper also outlines a criticism of Kosík and his book by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
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