Loading of the centromeric histone H3 variant during meiosis-how does it differ from mitosis?

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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Chromosoma
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

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Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-014-0466-9
Field Genetics and molecular biology
Description In eukaryotic phyla studied so far, the essential centromeric histone H3 variant (CENH3) is loaded to centromeric nucleosomes after S-phase (except for yeast) but before mitotic segregation (except for metazoan). While the C-terminal part of CENH3 seems to be sufficient for mitotic centromere function in plants, meiotic centromeres neither load nor tolerate impaired CENH3 molecules. However, details about CENH3 deposition in meiocytes are unknown (except for Drosophila). Therefore, we quantified fluorescence signals after the immunostaining of CENH3 along meiotic and mitotic nuclear division cycles of rye, a monocotyledonous plant. One peak of fluorescence intensity appeared in the early meiotic prophase of pollen mother cells and a second one during interkinesis, both followed by a decrease of CENH3. Then, the next loading occurred in the male gametophyte before its first mitotic division. These data indicate that CENH3 loading differs between mitotic and meiotic nuclei. Contrary to the situation in mitotic cycles, CENH3 deposition is biphasic during meiosis and apparently linked with a quality check, a removal of impaired CENH3 molecules, and a general loss of CENH3 after each loading phase. These steps ensure an endowment of centromeres with a sufficient amount of correct CENH3 molecules as a prerequisite for centromere maintenance during mitotic cycles of the microgametophyte and the progeny. From a comparison with data available for Drosophila, we hypothesise that the post-divisional mitotic CENH3 loading in metazoans is evolutionarily derived from the post-divisional meiotic loading phase, while the pre-divisional first meiotic loading has been conserved among eukaryotes.
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