Political Jamming in the Czech Republic: A Way to Deal with Political Crises?

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Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Citation MACKOVÁ, Alena and Jakub MACEK. Political Jamming in the Czech Republic: A Way to Deal with Political Crises? In IPSA - 23rd World Congress of Political Science - Montreal, Quebec - Canada. 2014.
Description The paper is focused on particular repertoire of contention: on tactics of political (culture) jamming that have spread on the Czech internet in last two years due to the increasing discontent with political situation and due to the continuous political crises. A potential of new media to stimulate political communication and to enhance civic participation has been examined in numerous theoretical and empirical studies: On the one hand, there is a growing body of work on non–institutionalized political actors using new media; on the other hand, there is a growing body of research evidences about new sources of political information grounded in practices such as jamming and satire. The paper maps these new online practices, these forms of activism used by individuals or small groups. As an illustrative case, the paper uses an analyze of “Žít Brno” (one of the activists’ groups started using jamming tactics extensively about two years ago on local, municipal level). The aim is to explicate the typical features of the internet-based, participatory-oriented political satire and its sources.
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