Projevy křesťanského a předkřesťanského pohřebního ritu na středohradištním pohřebišti v Divákách, okr. Břeclav

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Title in English Displays of Christian and pre-Christian burial customs in a Middle Hillfort Period cemetery at Diváky, Břeclav District


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia archaeologica brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Early Middle Ages; Middle Hillfort Period; Great Moravia; cemetery; burial rites; Christianisation
Description In the cemetery at Diváky, some changes in burial rites occurred which were probably induced by the gradual Christianisation of the rural population. Among evidence of pre-Christian burial rites at the cemetery at Diváky during the Middle Hillfort Period (9th – mid-10 century) can be included the remains of funerary feasts, grave inclusions in the form of entire animal skeletons, the fumigation of graves, and a contracted female burial at the periphery of the cemetery.
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