The Persuasive Lot of the Modern Ethics


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Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The nature of contemporary philosophy is changing as its interdisciplinary effort is taken over by cognitive science. This fact is particularly evident in ethics which is continually trying to be more empirical but slowly ceases to be a philosophy. This trend in ethics takes away something generally expected – the ambition to answer the question of how people should act in their everyday moral lives. That is because it’s becoming apparent that moral life is maybe not so everyday after all and the fundamental question “what is good” may be not so important or even asked correctly. The importance of ethics can remain in something different – not in effort to advise a man how to act morally but persuade him to act at all, using a great motivator every human has – to stay in accordance with his own conscience.
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