Analýza vlivu liberalizace železničního trhu na hospodaření Českých drah

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Title in English An analysis of the impact of liberalization on profits of Czech railways

TOMEŠ Zdeněk

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Scientia et Societas
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords railway; liberalization; competition; subsidies.
Description Czech railway market is undergoing the process of liberalization. The competition intensifies both in the freight and passenger sectors. Despite these advances, the incumbent Czech Railways are still keeping dominant position in both markets. However the pressure of competition is influencing its financial situation. The downward pressure on tariffs is decreasing its revenues. The higher quality standards of new entrants have forced the incumbent to increase investment into rolling stock. The resulting increase in indebtness and decrease in liquidity will be matter of concern for public budgets.
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