Preparing VerbaLex Printed Edition


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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Seventh Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing, RASLAN 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords verb; verb frame; verb valency; VerbaLex; WordNet; VerbNet;
Description In the paper, we present the current state of the development of the Czech valency dictionary called VerbaLex. It contains a list of the most frequented Czech verbs and their valency frames in the form of the complex valency frames. VerbaLex includes information about verb case and adverbial links (morphosyntactic properties) and senses captured by an inventory of two-layer semantic roles that characterize the semantics of the verb arguments. We also present the motivation and history of the design of the complex valency frames and the VerbaLex lexicon. One of the main aims here is the support of computer analysis of Czech, thus machine-readable features of the lexicon are emphasized since the beginning. Presently, we can refer to VerbaLex electronic version with more than 10 thousand verb lemmata, as well as to its printed form with a selected subset of the most frequent verbs. The full electronic form is available on-line after registration for academic and non-commercial purposes.
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