Je Kathy Daltonová podvodnice? Zamyšlení nad parapsychologickým experimentem

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Title in English Is Kalthy Dalton a fraud? Reflection on a parapsychology experiment


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description There are examples how can controversial work in the field of parapsychology lead to a progress in our understanding of scientific method (meta-analysis and other statistical methods, computer-controlled experiments). One of the issues, which has been discussed extensively in relation to parapsychology, is the problem of fraud in science. Some parapsychologist are in fact considered to be fraudsters. What should we thing, when a successful and methodologically sound parapsychology experiment appears in the literature? One possibility is to infer, that the best explanation is a scientific misconduct, because paranormal phenomena do not exist. This presentation will show that our final conclusion can`t be made so easily and will inevitably be based on difficult and speculative probability estimates or guesses.
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