First result of the Czech RR Lyrae Stars Observation Project - a new Blazhko star CN Cam


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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

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Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords Blazhko effect;RR Lyr;Blazhko survey
Description We introduce a new project which attempts to provide precise, filtered measurements of RR Lyraes, which were not observed by automatic surveys (or the survey data were of bad quality), and which were not studied in detail, or are somehow interesting. The basic goal is to obtain well-covered light curves to determine ephemerides, periods, light curve characteristics (amplitude, rising time) and finally to obtain Fourier parameters to estimate the basic physical parameters. As a first result of this project we give CN Cam, which was found to show the Blazhko effect with period 48.25 d.
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