Pevnost vazby adhezivních materiálů k lepení ortodontických zámků


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Title in English Bond Strength of Adhesive Materials for Bonding of Orthodontic Brackets


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká stomatologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field ORL, ophthalmology, stomatology
Keywords bond strength adhesive material
Description Bond strength of adhesive materials for bonding of orthodontic brackets(Clinical Study) Introduction: The result of the treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances depends on the effective bonding of orthodontic brackets onto the teeth surface. Loosering of brackets during therapy means discomfort both for the orthodontist and patients and it may negatively influence the result of the whole treatment. Currently there are available for bonding of orthodontic brackets – composite resin, resin-modified glass ionomer cements and compomers. Objective: Comparison of bond strength between five adhesive materials by means of a tensile test. Composite resins -Brackfix (VOCO , Germany), Light bond (Reliance orthodontic Products, USA), No-mix (American Orthodontics, USA) and resin modified GIC – Fuji Ortho LC (GC Corporation, Japan) and Fuji Ortho (GC Corporation, Japan). Material and Methods: Metal brackets were bonded by means of above mentioned adhesives to buccal surface of 100 extracted premolars (5 groups of 20 each). Bond strength was measured by means of a tensile test on the ZWICK Z020 (Germany) testing machine. Results : Composites proved a statistically better bond strength(Brackfix 16,21 MPa, Light bond 16,76 MPa, No-mix 13,77 MPa) than resin modified GIC(Fuji Ortho LC 11,32 MPa, Fuji Ortho 10,47 MPa). Conclusion: Bond strength in all adhesives was over 8 MPa, which is the strength avocated for effective practical use. Composites were demonstrated to have a bigger strength. Glass ionomers were proved to have the bond strength sufficient for clinical practice. Material selection is affected by other factors – cariostatic effect, environment where the adhesion will be formed, length of procedure, costs, etc.
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