Compositional evolution of grossular garnet from leucotonalitic pegmatite at Ruda nad Moravou, Czech Republic; a complex EMPA, LA-ICP-MS, IR and CL study

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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mineralogy and Petrology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords leucotonalitic pegmatite;mineralogy;crystal chemistry;electron microprobe;LA-ICP;Infrared spectroscopy;cathodoluminiscence;Staré Město Unit;Czech Republic
Description Five distinct paragenetic, morphological and compositional types of grossular garnet (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5) were distinguished within the individual (sub)units of the zoned leucotonalitic pegmatite cutting serpentinized lherzolite with rodingite dikes at Žďár near Ruda nad Moravou, Staré Město Unit, Northern Moravia. Detailed study using Electron Microprobe Analysis, Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Cathodoluminiscence and Infrared Spectroscopy revealed distinct compositional trends in major, minor and trace elements. The contents of Fe3+, Mn, Mg and Ti increase from early garnet (G1) in the outermost grossular subunit through the interstitial garnet (G2) in the leucocratic subunit to graphic intergrowths of quartz+garnet (G3) in the coarse-grained unit. Then these constituents decrease in inclusions of garnet (G4) from the blocky unit and large crystals of garnet (G5) from the quartz core. Some trace elements (V, Ni, Y) exhibit the same trends, only Be evidently increases in garnet from border zone to the centre. Fluorine has negative correlation with Fe3+ as well as some trace elements (Ta, Pb). Concentrations of H2O in garnets, up to 0.22 wt.% H2O, are comparable with spessartine-almandine garnets from the Rutherford No. 2 pegmatite, Virginia, and grossular garnets from high-temperature calc-silicate rocks (skarns). Water contents correlate positively with Fe3+, but inversely with F. The use of water contents in garnet to elucidate the fluctuations of activity of H2O during the pegmatite formation is only limited; the incorporation of hydrous defects seems to be controlled instead by crystal-structural constraints. However, the sum of all volatile components (H2O + F) increases about twice from the outermost subunit to the centre of the pegmatite body.
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